Our two most frequently asked questions: How are lab grown diamonds made? And are they real?
Our two most frequently asked questions:
How are lab grown diamonds made? And are they real?
Diamonds are created by extreme heat and pressure conditions that crystalize carbon atoms, miles below earth’s surface. Traditionally, diamonds are extracted from the ground through mining, a process that has been criticized for its severe environmental and human impact. Luckily, new technological advances such as the HPHT machine, have allowed the diamond industry to re-create the high pressures and temperatures that form diamonds naturally.

So yes, lab grown diamonds are in fact natural diamonds! Lab grown diamonds share the exact same chemical make-up, and physical properties as their counterparts, without the harsh environmental impact.
If you aren’t sold, the Diamond Foundry successfully convinced the FTC to remove “natural” from the standard definition of the word “diamond.” The FTC’s new definition now reads: 

“A diamond is a mineral consisting essentially of pure carbon crystallized in the isometric system. It is found in many colors. It's hardness is 10; its specific gravity is approximately 3.52; and it has a refractive index of 2.42.”

No need to compromise ethics—purchasing lab grown diamonds is the safest, and most sustainable way to do your diamond shopping.